10 MAY 2016 by ideonexus
Characteristics of a Literacy-Building Classroom Library
• 300-600 books
• Wide range of reading difficulty
• Permanent “core” collection and regularly replenished “revolving” collection
• Variety of genres
• New books with appealing covers
• Attractive, inviting setting
The literature selection should include:
• Traditional stories: Familiar stories that are found in every culture, including fables, folk tales, myths and legends
• Fantasy: Stories that contain characters who may have superhuman powers that spark children...28 MAY 2013 by ideonexus
Shorter People Live Longer
The study was conducted to evaluate one aspect of the entropy theory of aging, which hypothesizes that aging is the result of increasing disorder within the body, and which predicts that increasing mass lowers life span. The first evaluation of the impact of human size on longevity or life span in 1978, which was based on data for decreased groups of athletes and famous people in the USA, suggested that shorter, lighter men live longer than their taller, heavier counterparts. In 1990, a study...5 years on average. Suggesting the medical community's focus on encouraging parents to grow big children is misguided as it may be shortening their lifespans.
21 APR 2011 by ideonexus
Dan Ingalls Wonders how Genius Finds Time to Do Its Work
Often, reading about famous people, the side of it that I'm interested in is, how do they make their life work? All the things that weren't their passion, and how did they deal with that and with their family, and with their finances, and balancing that Or did they just hole up and say, "To hell with everything else," and let it just come crumbling down until they had their work done? How does genius deal with all the distraction of life, or does it simply ignore the outside world and let it come crashing down.
12 JAN 2011 by ideonexus
Twitter, Celebrity, Asymmetric and Symmetric Social Conne...
Asymmetric attention is the key to another important concept, celebrity. Being famous means that a lot of people pay attention to you--after all, by definition it is famous people who appear on the cover of magazines, which are purchased because lots of people want to know what's happening with their favorite celebrities. But the celebrity doesn't, for the the most part, pay any attention to the fans (at least, not individually). Asymmetric attention ties in Twitter allows people like Oprah W...Folksonomies: web science social networking
Folksonomies: web science social networking
Twitter provides for asymmetric connections, where individuals follow others, making the people who don't follow back are celebrities; however, the system has been hacked with @replies, which make asymmetric connections symmetrical.